Meru County, nestled on the eastern slopes of Mount Kenya, has long been a region of vibrant political activity. Known for its diverse culture, rich agricultural lands, and strategic importance, Meru is now becoming equally known for its political drama. The past months have seen Meru being a hotbed of political intrigue, power play, and even an attempted ouster of its governor. But what is really happening in Meru, and why is it so significant? The Political Landscape of Meru Meru's politics have always been colorful, characterized by a mix of traditional leadership structures and modern political dynamics. Historically, the region has been governed by a blend of community elders, known as the Njuri Ncheke, and elected officials. This unique interplay has often created a delicate balance between respecting traditional governance and embracing the democratic process. However, in the past few years, this balance has been disrupted. The county has experienced rising political tension


“It’s barely 5 weeks old, they say life begins at 5 weeks and I believe, so I wanna flush it out before it starts living..”

Hold the phone, that didn’t just come from a Born Again Christian, really!!😱😱😱😱😱😱

I’d started thinking about today’s post a
few weeks ago, when a prominent science
writer posted on a listserv “What was the
CEO of AAAS thinking?” and then quoted
Alan I. Leshner telling the New York Times:
“K-12, students need to know the nature of
science, how scientists work and the
domains and limits of science. Science can’t
tell you about God. Or when life begins.”
“Um…when life begins is a pretty basic idea
in biology,” commented the originator of
the compelling listserv thread that followed.

πŸ‘†;We should be agreeing on this, at least. Child of God,since when did science become our lenses to view life by? The devil is a liar and all that is contrary to the WORD of God is his lie…you can’t dare stoop this low and believe in a lie, or at least, I will not witness that as long as I’m informed by the Word!

Jeremiah 1:5 - “Before I form thee in the belly,I have known thee;..” 

Does the WORD πŸ‘†give us an answer to “WHEN DOES LIFE BEGIN?”

“If science had proven that human life actually began at implantation or at nine weeks or whenever, then that’s precisely when we (Catholics and any other reasonable belief system) would believe that human life began.
Simple. And, logically, it would be from that
moment when this human being should be
treated with the rights and dignities that come with being a human being.
But that’s not what science has told us. Science has quite clearly and decidedly proven that a new, human life begins at conception (i.e. fertilization. AKA the moment sperm and ovum meet and form an entirely new, self-directing living organism of the human species with its own individual DNA distinct from both mother
and father.).” Matthew Watley.
I’m not agreeing completely with his side of argument especially that I’m not Catholic and I’m not religious at least, but he got sense in his argument on the science aspect.

Let me get a little bit personal, pregnancy lasts for 35-36 weeks, and you’re considering the 1/7 of it…girl, let’s do the maths! You were on your primary or secondary virginity before you allowed him in before your wedding night, right? So if 1/7 of him was already in, you realized..gosh,I’m having sex!

“then you force him out….Does that make you a virgin still? *just thinking*

Two wrongs doesn’t make a right, girl! Abortion doesn’t make you a nun, it makes you a mother of a dead child!

Why, for once don’t we practice justice?
Do you ever think of “What if my mum aborted me?”
“How does a barren woman feel when she hears of someone aborting, or thinking of aborting?”

When I lived in sin, I once had a thought of abortion even having had no intercourse…you know that time when you had those  “evil possible thoughts” …like “if i got pregnant,would i keep it?” and I weighed it and I felt okay with it, but when, He shone His light on me, I had to repent of the evil thought, He delivered me, washed me and made me His daughter.
We no longer live by the human or scientific standards but by His standards!!
He is our Father and He knows us far more than we know ourselves!!

Give the child a chance to once in it’s lifetime read into Psalm 139:13-“For you created my inmost being: you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”NIV.

Abortion is a crime even to the worldly,and to us,Exodus 20:13-“YOU SHALL NOT MURDER.“. Is a command given us by God and one thing God did not do,is that He did not insert a notice before the commandments,”IF YOU WISH”

GOD gives life,it is an insult to Him if we became the ones to take that life away.

Keep the pregnancy,Do not flush out that “thing”,it is living!!
If you’re living,let another live,

But most of all,ABSTAIN!!!!


In Christ alone my hope is found.


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