Meru County, nestled on the eastern slopes of Mount Kenya, has long been a region of vibrant political activity. Known for its diverse culture, rich agricultural lands, and strategic importance, Meru is now becoming equally known for its political drama. The past months have seen Meru being a hotbed of political intrigue, power play, and even an attempted ouster of its governor. But what is really happening in Meru, and why is it so significant? The Political Landscape of Meru Meru's politics have always been colorful, characterized by a mix of traditional leadership structures and modern political dynamics. Historically, the region has been governed by a blend of community elders, known as the Njuri Ncheke, and elected officials. This unique interplay has often created a delicate balance between respecting traditional governance and embracing the democratic process. However, in the past few years, this balance has been disrupted. The county has experienced rising political tension


Online writing is steadily transforming the world through information sharing.

This new form of writing has greatly been enabled by technological advancements and implementation of the world wide web invented in the early 1990s.

Websites, blogs and channels have opened up the information space and today, one can easily access new knowledge at the click of the button or a swipe on the screen. This information discovery has been made possible by search engines such as Google, Bing and Yahoo, which categorises data and presents it to users on request. 

These developments have fuelled commercial content writing services, which many young people are engaged in, to generate income. 

As an upcoming online content  creator, I would like to share the benefits of online writing, and why you should consider it as a full-time job , a side hustle or a hobby.

First, you can do online writing anywhere and any time, wherever you feel comfortable -including in a hotel, on vacation or even from the comfort of your living room.

Tired of commuting to work? Online writing can help you say goodbye to matatus and traffic jam as it does not require the writer to go to the office.

Secondly, unlike other jobs that are limited to time and office hours, the only limit to online writing is how much cash you want to make. You only choose when it is convinient for you to pen your next article.

Unknown to many, online writing offers some sort of job security. You are your own boss, you set the pace and schedule. The only person who can terminate your contract is you when you choose to stop writing. Related, as an online writer, you are assured of a limitless salary unlike a regular job which comes with a fixed amount.

But there is a catch here: To make loads of cash, they need to put in long, extra hours and write more often, Additionally, I find online interesting because you choose which job to take.

Last but not the least, the internet is a repository of vast knowledge and you get to learn a lot as an online content creator.


  1. A powerful piece very informative it's the high we took online writing seriously, to me it's an opener..
    I sincerely appreciate the blogger for opening my eyes and mind too. I need to take action now... Bountiful blessings as you share more with us...

  2. Great article...thanks for sharing!


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