
Showing posts from February, 2024


Meru County, nestled on the eastern slopes of Mount Kenya, has long been a region of vibrant political activity. Known for its diverse culture, rich agricultural lands, and strategic importance, Meru is now becoming equally known for its political drama. The past months have seen Meru being a hotbed of political intrigue, power play, and even an attempted ouster of its governor. But what is really happening in Meru, and why is it so significant? The Political Landscape of Meru Meru's politics have always been colorful, characterized by a mix of traditional leadership structures and modern political dynamics. Historically, the region has been governed by a blend of community elders, known as the Njuri Ncheke, and elected officials. This unique interplay has often created a delicate balance between respecting traditional governance and embracing the democratic process. However, in the past few years, this balance has been disrupted. The county has experienced rising political tension

Navigating the Current Landscape of Education in Kenya: Challenges and Opportunities (ARTICLE 1)

As the saying goes 'Education is the key to all success.' In today's article we will be exploring this and much more on the current state of education especially in our country Kenya. Education in Kenya has undergone significant transformations in recent years, yet several challenges persist, hindering the full realization of its potential. This article examines the current state of education in Kenya and identifies key areas that demand improvement. 1. Access to Education: While strides have been made in increasing access to education, particularly at the primary level, disparities still exist. Rural areas face challenges in infrastructure, teacher availability, and adequate resources, creating an uneven educational landscape. 2. Technological Integration: More use of digital tools in the classroom is advocated in this technologically driven age. By giving children access to computers and the internet, educational gaps can be filled and they will gain vital skills for the

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